I started my consulting business in 2020. It has almost been 4 years that my business has been launched ... I can't believe how time can fly sometimes!! It feels wonderful to finally find some solid direction with my consulting business after all of these years doing market research and seeing where I want to take it.
I am going to be focusing on accountability coachsulting. This is a mixture of accountability and life caoching of helping my clients reach their goals as well as strategic marketing/planning and business development/leadership consulting.
This has inspired me to finally begin to write my motivational book - which is now going to be a book series entitled, "Growth-Journey Series" and I'm currently working on the first book now!
I am also wanting to figure out how to incorporate environemntal sustainability into my business model ... that is why I'm building out an environmental conceptual model and then publishing my findings through a book. I plan to get more into ESG/Sustainability consulting as that is truly a passion area for me in the marketplace.
I'm super excited to have found this clarity and direction and I'm excited to push forward with it all now!